Visitors are welcome to attend our meeting nights. The club meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month except December, at 7:30 pm at QPC House 18 Coolcrest Street Wynnum Qld 4178. The second Tuesday is Activities Night and the fourth Tuesday is Competition Night.

Membership fees                                         

Once off Joining Fee$15
Family (>2 members)$80both must live at the same address.    
Concession$40Holding a current Qld Centrelink
Pensioner Concession Card Veterans Affairs Pensioner
Card:, or Veterans Affairs Gold Card
Students$30full time study at a recognised
educational facility

Print an Application Form, complete it and email to

Payment Methods

By EFTPOS at the club

By Direct Transfer:  BSB: 064 133            Acc. No: 0090 3383  

By Cash: Please bring your application and cash to any of the meeting dates shown on our web site

When your application and fees have been received you will receive an email that will explain how to create your own log in

If you require details of our Activities please visit us on Facebook

There are a large number of videos on the main MyPhotoClub site that demonstrate the full capability of the system. Click here to go there.